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PK #4 - No Business Like Show Business, Part Two

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Mark and Bobby continue the discussion on show business with the always insightful Dana Zezzo joining us to discuss shows from a supplier's perspective:

  • How suppliers and distributors can work together to make the most out of shows
  • Stages in a supplier's growth and how this impacts tradeshow behavior
  • Shaking bad tradeshow practices
  • How to move from merely scanning badges to true engagement
  • Replacing "what's new? with "what works?"
  • How to "break from the script" and engage in real business

Discussed in this episode: the PPAI Expo, the ASI Shows and EME.

Want more stellar show advice? Read Charity Gibson's post about social media and show business: Disconnected - The Social Media #Fail.

The PK Podcast is a weekly conversation hosted by Mark Graham and Bobby Lehew featuring guest suppliers, distributors and service providers discussing opportunities, challenges and insights into the promotional products business. The purpose of the podcast is to to bring the conversation we are already having at shows and restaurants to a public forum where we can all listen and learn. As a continued commitment to mentor those new in the industry, the podcast will feature a broad spectrum of topics. If you wish to participate in the podcast, please read our editorial guidelines then fill out our form and we’ll be in touch!